Magic Spells Customized For Protection

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All Magic Spell Castings Are Buy One Get One Free THIS MONTH ONLY!

  Do you feel like you have a black cloud following you around?  Do you feel as you may have bad karma from a past life?  Or do you you feel that your aura needs to be cleansed?  If so, the customized protection spell can help protect you from any bad luck, bad karma or anything unlucky that is lined up to come to you by the way of your actions; either intentional or not.  The custom protection spell is perfect if you want to protect yourself (or anyone you know) from any further bad luck from crossing your path.  You may not be a bad person, but you have done some bad things in the past that has caused your aura to become clouded.  This can happen from a past life, as bad karma can be carried over from actions that have been done in a past lifetime. 

  A custom protection spell is perfect to clear the air, clear your aura of negative energy so you can attract positive energy and allow wonderful things to flow to you by the way of the universe once again.  The custom protection spell can protect you from black magick, curses, hexes, clear your clouded aura so nothing harmful can touch you.  This magic spell will cast a protective circle around you as a shield making anything harmful that comes your way to be deflected.    

  What is a Custom Protection Spell and how can it help me?  A custom protection spell is a powerful magic spell that is created from YOUR requests OR what YOU want to happen within your spell casting.  All you have to do is inform us of what you want to happen within your custom protection spell casting and we take care of the rest.  This spell is perfect to use if you have any jealous people in your life or anyone wanting to place harm upon you.  This spell can be used to deflect any jealous or negative feelings about you.  Our CUSTOM PROTECTION SPELLS ARE CAST AT A POWER LEVEL 3 so they are the strongest, potent and most powerful magic spells around.  No matter what your need for protection may be, we can solve these issues with our Custom Protection Spell - Guaranteed or you money back!

  Our CUSTOM PROTECTION SPELL is designed from your specific requests.  if you have any kind of problem or issue that may be supernatural or not, we can create the spell to help guard you and protect you from anything bad that may come your way.  If you have a black cloud over you and things are constantly going wrong in your life, then this definitely qualifies the use of a custom protection spell.  This spell is permanent, it will banish any evil, hex, curse or spirits/dark supernatural entities from interfering in your life.  Once the spell is completed, nothing can break the protection circle that will be around you and your loved ones.  No more bad luck will follow you and no other magic can touch you.  This is our most requested protection spell.

  With our customized protection spells we DO NOT PUT A LIMIT ON THE AMOUNT OF REQUESTS YOU CAN ASK FOR.   This gives you the power to create your reality and you'll see your magic spell materialize just the way YOU want it to!  This magic spell WORKS FAST and can manifest all your desires for protection for yourself and your loved ones.  If you have any questions about this magic spell OR would like a free consultation, Contact Raven.

Customized Protection Spell Casting

Power Level 3 Casting WAS $199

This Month Only $169

Please Submit the following information for your magic spell casting to be completed:

  1. What FREE MAGIC SPELL do you want?  With this spell casting, you may choose 1 FREE Magic Spell from the website of equal value.

  2. Your Full Name, Date Of Birth, City You Live In AND all of your customized spell casting requests, meaning LIST what you want to happen within your spell.

  3. Full Name, Date Of Birth, City Living In for your INTENDED TARGET/TARGETS.  If you don't have all that info, provide what you know and the spell can be cast successfully.

  4. Include any photos of yourself and/or the person/people in your spell castings.  Be sure to name who is who for the spell castings.

  5. You can Click Here to submit your spell casting information by using our Submission Form.  It's easy to use so you don't leave out any info for your spell castings.

  6. SUBMIT YOUR SPELL CASTING INFORMATION ASAP AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR ORDER.  The quicker you do this the faster your spells are scheduled/cast.


  The customized protection spell was perfect for what I wanted to obtain in my life.  I needed a protective circle around me so that no other magic could touch me OR my loved ones.  I also asked for my aura to be cleansed of any negative energies.  Since this spell casting has been completed for me, many wonderful things have been happening within my life.  I'm so grateful and thankful  for these results that are presenting themselves every day!  Much love and blessings to you Raven and your coven of helpers.  Blessed be!

Client Testimonial Submitted by:  Ellie Lopez, NC

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Protection Spells Customized For Your Situation - Free Protection Spells